Kata Kunci:
Product Quality, Price, Place and Consumer SatisfactionAbstrak
A company can be successful depending on several interrelated, mutually supporting components, namely product quality, price, place and consumer satisfaction. This research was conducted at the Laris Shoes Shop in Medan, a shop that sells various types of shoes. The problem seen in this research is that shoe sales in recent years have fluctuated greatly and tend to decrease every year, even not reaching the sales target. The aim of this research is to find out whether product quality, price and place, together (simultaneously) or partially, have a significant effect on customer satisfaction at the Laris Shoes Store in Medan. The approach used in this research is an associative approach. The sample in this study consisted of 40 respondents. The analysis technique uses the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, t test, f test, and coefficient of determination. The results of the research show that Product Quality (X1), Price (X2), and Place (X3) simultaneously have a significant effect on Consumer Satisfaction (Y) at Laris Shoes in Medan with an F-count of 17.540 > 2.84 F-table and a significant 0.000 < 0.05, Product Quality partially has no significant effect on Consumer Satisfaction with a t-count of 0.804 < 2.028 t-table and a significant 0.000 < 0.05, Price partially has a significant effect on Consumer Satisfaction with a t-count of 3.949 > 2.028 t- table and is significant 0.000 < 0.05, and Place partially has no significant effect on Consumer Satisfaction with a t-count of 1.727 < 2.028 t-table and is significant 0.000 < 0.05. The R Square value of 59.4% shows the contribution of product quality, price and place to consumer satisfaction. The remaining 40.6% is influenced by other variables not studied. Based on the background above, the author is interested in conducting research with the title regarding the Influence of Product Quality, Price and Place on Consumer Satisfaction at Laris Shoes Stores in Medan.