Kata Kunci:
Writing Ability Results, Recording Assisted TechniquesAbstrak
The abstract of this research aims to determine the influence of recorded rock speaking techniques on the writing ability of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 060938, Medan Johor District, North Sumatra Province. The type of research used is quasi-experimental or quasi- Experimental research. The population in this study was all class V students from both class VA and class VB with the total number of class VA being 20 students being the control class who did not use recorded assisted speaking techniques then class VB totaling 20 students being
the experimental class, and using the speaking technique in contact even with writing ability. The average final test result obtained by the VB class was 85, namely the experimental class using recording-assisted speaking techniques and the VA class 70,75, namely the control class. This frequency table of the final test of the experimental class and control class can be distributed in a frequency table and then depicted in the form of a histogram to determine the results of students’ writing abilities. From the results of the research and discussion of the research, it can be concluded that the ability to write classroom descriptions of class V students at SD Negeri 060938 Medan Johor Academic Year 2023 2024 Classified as a fairly capable quality criteria for reels with an average score of 85.