Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka Pada Peserta Didik Tingkat Sekolah Dasar


  • Ilham Aminullah Rusli

Kata Kunci:

Independent Curriculum, Learners, Elementary School


This study aims to determine the implementation of Merdeka Curriculum Learning for students at SDN 107400. Learners are less mature and need education from others to develop into mature adults with a spiritual soul and an active mind. and own imagination. This research uses a qualitative approach by using data collection methods in the form of observation, interviews. This research involved several resource persons, namely teachers and principals. The target that must be achieved immediately is that teachers and students are required to adjust learning independent curriculum learning. Teachers are required to create learning innovations to meet the needs of learners and create a learning climate that liberates learners. The factor that causes the implementation of the independent curriculum to not be fully implemented is that the school is still making adjustments to the new curriculum. With that, the school continues to train teachers to understand the implementation of independent learning, and strives for teachers to be creative in creating a new learning atmosphere by holding workshops.The independent learning curriculum is a new curriculum that emphasizes the welfare of students, where the teaching and learning process involves more participation of students. The independent learning curriculum also frees students to choose subjects of interest so as to support students to further develop their interests and talents. In its implementation, the role of the teacher is also very necessary to make the learning atmosphere more interesting and enjoyable for students. Evaluation of student learning outcomes in the learning curriculum aims to determine and measure the ability of students in the teaching and learning process.


